Himalayan Tree-Climbing – White-Tailed Nuthatch: Exploring the Unique Habits and Beautiful Plumage of this Bird


Himalaia tree climbing – White tailed nuthatch, Fanxipan, October 2019


Himalaia tree climbers are similar in size to other tree climbers (about 12 cm). The bird has a purple-blue upper body, large black stripes from eye to shoulder, dark chestnut-red underside, and a white patch in the center of the upper caudal feathers (hard to see in the field). Females have lighter underparts.


White-tailed nuthatch has same size with other nuthatches (about 12 cm). It has violet-blue upperparts, broad black eyestrips to shoulder, deep reddish – chestnut underparts and white patch at base of central uppertail-feathers (difficult to see in field). The underparts of female is duller and paler.


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